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Straight leg business pants and wide leg pantsuits for women

Bluesuits Straight Leg Pant Collection

How to wear your straight-leg pants?

For professional women looking for pants to wear to work, Straight leg and wide leg pants are an excellent choice. Straight leg pants looks great with a matching jacket as a pantsuit and are flattering on all body shapes. Many of our executive clients prefer the straight leg pants to wear to work because the legs are wider and do not outline the body. They should however fit perfectly on the buttocks and hips. You do not want them hanging which happens if they are too loose on the hips and waist area. Straight leg pants are also a great choice for business casual occasions and can be worn to work with a v-neck or round neck top and a jacket.

Straight leg pants as day into evening pants

We love the versatility of a pair of tropical wool straight leg pants. While you can wear it to work or around town during the day, you can dress up these pants with a sexy top and appropriate jewelry and wear them as dress pants in the evening

What style of pants make the belly look flat?

To make the belly look flat look for pants that contain your belly, in other words look for high-waist pants and by high waist pants we mean just below the natural waistline or about 1 inch below the belly button. All Bluesuits pants fit just below the natural waist.

Are Straight Leg Pants appropriate for hourglass as well as slim hip women?

How is that possible you ask. What straight leg pants do for an hour glass shape or women with wide hips is that they hide the wide hips as these pants fall straight from the hip down. Clearly with a slim hip they do the same. The pants are figure flattering for every shape.

Wear them as business casual pants

  1. with a shirt and sweater for a business casual look .
  2. with a long tunic and a belt
  3. with a sweater set

Stright leg pants are very versatile and can be worn in many different ways. If you are wearing your pants to work you can wear a matching jacket and have the wide-leg pantsuit look or you can mix and match your pants with different tops. If your pants have belt loops you can wear a shirt, or sweater tucked in and a belt to finish the look. If your wide-leg pants do not have a waist band such as Bluesuits Flat Front Pants you can wear the sweater over the pants.

You can also dress up your wide leg pants by wearing an open neck top or dressy jacket and appropriate jewelry.

If you are an apple shaped petite plus, you might consider custom tailored pants for your shape. The pants for petite plus apple shapes have to be rebalanced so the front waist is wider than back waist. Though this is always the case, in the case of apple shapes the proportion is more exaggerated. Pretty much every part of the pant has to be rebalanced.

Bluesuits specializes in custom tailored clothing, pants, pantsuits, work suits, skirts and dresses for plus size women

Ready to finally solve your wardrobe issues? Simply fill our Bluesuits Custom Order Request Form. We will get in touch with you within 24hours to discuss your specific needs. To learn more visit our Bespoke Custom PageBluesuits Custom Made page. You can also make an appointment to visit our New York City Showroom

To find the best style pants for your body shape check out the following blog posts

How to find the best style pants for your body shape

best pant style for apple shaped women

best pant style for pear shaped women